Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure is supplier of more than 600 integrated Cloud services used to develop, deploy, host, secure and manage software apps. Microsoft Azure has been producing unrivaled results and benefits for many businesses throughout recent years. With 54 regions, it is leading all cloud providers to date. With more than 70 compliance offerings, it has the largest portfolio in the industry. 95% of Fortune 500 companies trust their business on the MS cloud.
Azure lets you add cloud capabilities to your existing network through its platform as a service (PaaS) model, or entrust Microsoft with all of your computing and network needs with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Either option provides secure, reliable access to your cloud hosted data—one built on Microsoft’s proven architecture. Kinetix Solutions provides clients with “Software as a Service” (SaaS), “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) and “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS) for small to large businesses. Azure lets you add cloud capabilities to your existing network through its platform as a service (PaaS) model, or entrust Microsoft with all of your computing and network needs with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Azure provides an ever expanding array of products and services designed to meet all your needs through one convenient, easy to manage platform. Below are just some of the many capabilities Microsoft offers through Azure and tips for determining if the Microsoft cloud is the right choice for your organization.
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure is supplier of more than 600 integrated Cloud services used to develop, deploy, host, secure and manage software apps. Microsoft Azure has been producing unrivaled results and benets for many businesses throughout recent years. With 54 regions, it is leading all cloud providers to date. With more than 70 compliance oerings, it has the largest portfolio in the industry. 95% of Fortune 500 companies trust their business on the MS cloud.
Azure lets you add cloud capabilities to your existing network through its platform as a service (PaaS) model, or entrust Microsoft with all of your computing and network needs with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Either option provides secure, reliable access to your cloud hosted data—one built on Microsoft’s proven architecture. Kinetix Solutions provides clients with “Software as a Service” (SaaS), “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) and “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS) for small to large businesses. Azure lets you add cloud capabilities to your existing network through its platform as a service (PaaS) model, or entrust Microsoft with all of your computing and network needs with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Azure provides an ever expanding array of products and services designed to meet all your needs through one convenient, easy to manage platform. Below are just some of the many capabilities Microsoft oers through Azure and tips for determining if the Microsoft cloud is the right choice for your organization.
Become more agile, flexible and secure with Azure and allow us to transition your system in a timely, structured and effective manner today!
Azure Services
- Infrastructure — Provides a range of infrastructure and platform services with various options of 24/7 management, governance and control across business applications
- Migration — We help with advanced migration services for websites and servers
- Disaster Recovery — We securely back up your critical infrastructure that are on-site, giving you the best SLA to be back in business in no time after a disaster
- Backup — We secure your critical data and applications from an on-premise or hosting environment to Azure, using Azure Backup

- Data Storage — This category of services provides scalable cloud storage for structured and unstructured data and also supports big data projects, persistent storage (for containers) and archival storage.
- Analytics — These services provide distributed analytics and storage, as well as features for real-time analytics, big data analytics, data lakes, machine learning, business intelligence (BI), internet of things (IoT) data streams and data warehousing.
- Networking — This group includes virtual networks, dedicated connections and gateways, as well as services for traffic management and diagnostics, load balancing, domain name system (DNS) hosting, and network protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

- Access Management — We ensure only authorized users can access Azure services, and help protect encryption keys and other sensitive information in the cloud. Services include support for Azure Active Directory and multi-factor authentication (MFA).
- Computing — These services enable a user to deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs), containers and batch processing, as well as support remote application access.
- Web — These services support the development and eployment of web applications, and also offer features for search, content delivery, application programming interface (API) management, notifcation and reporting.

- Virtual Machines
- Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- App Service
- Functions
- Batch
- Service Fabric
- Cloud Services
- Virtual Network
- Load Balancer
- Application Gateway
- VPN Gateway
- Azure DVS
- Content Delivery Network
- Traffic Manager
- Express Route
- Network Watcher
- Blob Storage
- Queue Storage
- File Storage
- Disk Storage
- Data Lake Storage
- StorSimple
- Backup
- Site Recovery
- App Service
- Batch
- Container Registry
- Service Fabric
- Container Service
Data & Analytics
- HD Insight
- Machine Learning
- Stream Analytics
- Azure Bot Service
- Data Lake Analytics
- Data Lake Store
- Power BI Embedded
- Data Catalog
- Log Analytics
- Apache Spark for Azure HDInsight
- Text Analytics API
- Azure Analysis Services
- Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights
- Custom Speak Service
Internet of Things
- IoT Hub
- Events Hub
- Stream Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Notifications Hub
- Time Series Insights
- Azure Cosmos DB
Security and Identity
- Security Center
- Key Vault
- Azure Active Directory
- Azure Active Directory B2C
- Azure Active Directory Domain Service
- Muilti-Factor Authrentication
Developer Tools
- Visual Studio Team Services
- Azure DevText Lab
- Application Insights
- API Management
- HockeyApp
Web & Mobile
- HD Insight
- App Service
- Web Apps
- Mobile Apps
- Logic Apps
- API Apps
- Content Delivery Network
- Media Services
- Azure Search
- API Management
- Notification Hubs
- Live and On-Demand Streaming
- Azure Media Player
- Content Protection
- Media Analytics
- SQL Database
- Azure Database for MySQL
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- SQL Data Warehouse
- SQL Server Stretch Database
- Azure Cosmos DB
- Redis Cache
- Data Factory
Enterprise Integration
- Logic Apps
- Service Bus
- API Management
- StorSimple
- SQL Server Stretch Database
- Data Catalog
- Data Factory
- BizTalk Services
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